2022 Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Deciphering HEArt-liVEr communication in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (ANR-22-CE14-0002). Partner Dr JS Silvestre.
2022 Agence Nationale de la Recherche – JCJC – Molecular mechanisms controlling cytokine secretion during macrophage-mediated cardiac repair (ANR-22-CE14-0008). Principal investigator Dr S Camus.
2022 Horizon H2020 – European Union. Cardiac regeneration by mRNA-triggered proliferation of cardiomyocytes (REGeRNA, Horizon-RIA 101057318). Coordinator : Pr P Menasché.
2021 Deutsch DFG/Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Tissue experienced resident macrophages of the perivascular niche in myocardial infarction (ANR-21-CE14-0073-01). Principal investigator Dr JS Silvestre.
2021 Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Cardiac vectoring of extracellular vesicles by modification of their glycosylation – Exoglyc. (ANR-21-CE18-0003). Principal investigator Pr P Menasché.
2021 French Society of Cardiology. Hepatic steatosis and cardiac ischemic pathology (FFC-2021). Principal investigator Dr JS Silvestre.
2021 Fondation de France. Exploring the role of the cardio-splenic axis after myocardial infarction in diabetes. (FDF 00121054) Co-principal investigator Dr JS Silvestre.
2020 Émergence en Recherche 2020 – IdEx Université de Paris. Deciphering HEArt-liVEr communication in nonalcohoLic fatty liver disease. (Idex/EK/RR 2020-274). Co-principal investigator Dr JS Silvestre.
2020 Fondation de France. The GPR50 receptor in the adipose tissue-heart dialogue: role in post-ischemic remodeling of diabetic and obese myocardium (FDF 00107035). Co-principal investigator Dr A Levoye.
2020 EQUIPE LABELLISEE PAR LA FRM Patient-specific human induced pluripotent stem cells as a cellular platform to detect and predict anti-cancer drug-induced cardiac arrhythmias
2019 Ministère des solidarité et de la santé. Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique National. Traitement des cardiomyopathies dilatées non ischémiques par infusions intraveineuses du sécrétome enrichi en vésicules extracellulaires de cellules progénitrices cardiovasculaires. (SECRET-HF, PHRC-19-0330). Principal investigator Pr P Menasché.
2019 French Society of Cardiology. Macrophages and Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction. (FFC-2019). 10/2019-10/2021. Principal investigator Dr JS Silvestre.
2019 Fondation de France. Vesicular trafficking of cytokines in cardiac macrophages: role in the pathological remodelling of the diabetic myocardium. (FDF 00096283). Principal investigator Dr JS Silvestre.
2019 ANR CORRECT-LMNA Gene editing therapeutics for LMNA cardiomyopathy JS Hulot Partner
2019 Leducq Foundation Translatlantic Networks of Excellence Towards precision medicine with human iPSCs for cardiac channelopathies coordinated by Prs Joseph Wu (Stanford, USA) and Peter Schwartz (Milano, IT) JS Hulot Network member
2018 Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Treatment of severe heart failure with extracellular vesicles from cardiovascular progenitors – Exogel. (ANR-17-CE18-0003). Principal investigator Pr P Menasché.
2018 ANR PRC PACIFIC project Pw1+ stromal cells in cardiac fibrosis JS Hulot PI
2018 ANRT – CIFRE Modeling cardiac relaxation using human iPSC-based engineered cardiac tissues JS Hulot PI
2017 ANR PRC NAD-Heart NAD+ precursor for metabolic therapy of heart failure JS Hulot partner
2017 ANR PRC CAPTOR Controling fate-determination of adipose-tissue derived progenitors to improve obesity-related metabolic disorders D Sassoon Partner
2017 Era-CVD CLARIFY Communicaition between cardiomyocytes, cardiac stem cells and innate immune cells in failing hearts JS Hulot Partner
2016 Fondation pour la recherche médicale – Team Award. Extracellular membrane vesicles derived from cardiovascular progenitors: therapeutic potential in heart failure (DEQ20160334910). Principal investigator Dr JS Silvestre.