Team 3 investigates several human cardiovascular diseases including inherited arterial hypertension and rare vascular diseases (mainly fibromuscular dysplasia, spontaneous coronary artery dissection and vascular Elhers-Danlos syndrome). We aim at identifying causative genes and underpinning the molecular mechanisms using clinical, animal and cellular approaches.
Research Topics
Group X. Jeunemaitre: to explore the pathophysiology and innovative therapeutic approaches in vascular Elhers-Danlos syndrome and investigate arterial hypertension mechanism through WNK1 and Cullin-3 vascular and renal signaling.
Group N. Bouatia-Naji: to decipher the genetic basis of mitral valve prolapse, fibromuscular dysplasia and spontaneous coronary artery dissection, examine the functional significance of the genetic susceptibility variants at risk loci, and translate the genetic association into biological mechanisms.