

TEAM LEADER : Eric Camerer & Anne Eichmann
Mail : eric.camerer@inserm.fr / anne.eichmann@inserm.fr
PHONE :+33 1 53 98 79 54
LOCALISATION : Lab 360, 3rd floor
DOCTORAL SCHOOL : Bio-Sorbonne Paris Cité, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Physiology and Pathology

Team Awards

Eric Camerer

2010 : Marie Curie Reintegration Fellow

2009 : Inserm Avenir Fellow

2009 :FRM New Team Fellowship

2008 : CVRI Fellow, UCSF

2002 : Julius H. Comroe Fellow, UCSF

2000 : AHA Postdoctoral Fellow

1997 : Norwegian Research Council Fellow

1997 : HM King Harald’s Gold Medal , University of Oslo


Anne Eichmann

2019 : Judah Folkman Award NAVBO 
2018: EMBO plenary lecture, IVBM
2013: Elected EMBO member
2009: Liliane Bettencourt prize for Life Sciences
2009: Chevalier de l’ordre national du mérite
2008: Inserm Research Award
2006: Jean Bernard award from the Medical Research Foundation FRM
2006: Young investigator award, Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation 
2005: renewal of INSERM Avenir award for two years based on excellent performance 
2002: Young investigator award, Schlumberger Foundation
2002: INSERM young investigator Avenir award
1999: Young investigator award, Ministère de l’Education et de la Recherche (ACI) 
1996: EMBO short-term fellowship award

Team Funding

ANR « LymBrain » (2020-2023) – Connectome et nouveaux régulateurs des vaisseaux lymphatiques associés au système nerveux central.
ERC Advance Grant « Breaking Barriers » (2019-2024) – Targeting endothelial barriers to combat disease
FRM (2018-2021) – Live imaging of the cerebral vasculature and its adaptation to ischemic stroke.
Fondation Leducq Grant for Research Equipment and Technology Platforms (2017) – Confocal multiphoton laser scanning microscope.

Past grants
ANR « BrainWash » (2017-2020) – Lymphatic drainage, immune cell recirculation and brain repair after stroke.
Fondation ARC « AngioInvasion » (2017-2020) – Guidance of glioblastoma angiogenesis and invasion.
FRC2017 « ClearBrain » (2017-2019) – A neurovascular approach to alleviate cerebral neuronal loss.
InCA  (2015-2018) – Notch3 as a death dependence receptor and its implication in tumoral angiogenesis.
ANR « GANDHI » (2014-2017) – Guidance molecules: roles during diabetes and post-ischemic angiogenesis.
ANR « NOVA » (2014-2017) – Neurobiology of vascular growth factors and receptors: VEGFR3 in cerebral neurovascular development; VEGFs/VEGFRs in human neural stem cells.